Students' Union 2023-2024

The office bearers of the Students' Union are elected by the Undergraduate and Postgraduate students by secret ballot from among student nominated candidates for each academic year. The class representatives are elected by their respective classes. Together with the Student Union members they form the Student Council. Under the guidance of the Staff Advisor, the Union organizes a wide range of activities such as Union Inauguration, College Day, Fine Arts Day, Sports Day and other cultural competitions.

Union Members

Surumi A

Surumi A


Ameena Muhsin

Ameena Muhsin

Vice Chairperson

Saliha Sidheeq

Saliha Sidheeq


Shahana P

Shahana P

Join Secretary

Fidha Jafar

Fidha Jafar

General Captain

Khadeeja Shafeek

Khadeeja Shafeek


Safa T

Safa T

Fine Arts Secretary

Jishma T.P

Jishma T.P

Student Editor

Mariyam Beevi

Mariyam Beevi

Association Secretary