On 14 January 2023, the program titled "Arabic: The Language of Limitless Opportunities" was successfully conducted at the Central Auditorium of JNE. The event commenced at 10:30 AM with a warm welcome speech delivered by Sumayya E, the IQAC Coordinator. This was followed by the Presidential Address by the Principal of JNE, Abdu Rahman P, who emphasized the significance of the Arabic language and its global impact.
The felicitation was offered by Umer M and Rabiya KK, who highlighted the cultural and professional opportunities that mastering Arabic can offer. The event was graced by two esteemed guests: Ibsar Swalahi Poongode, an Associate Language Specialist in Content Engineering, and Fasmi MP, a Content Management Associate. Both guests shared their insights on the growing demand for Arabic in various fields and the limitless possibilities it presents.
The program concluded with a vote of thanks by Misriya, the Secretary, who expressed gratitude to all the speakers, participants, and organizers for making the event a success. The program was well-received by the attendees and served as an informative and inspiring session on the importance of learning and utilizing the Arabic language.