Education is the most powerful weapon which we can use to change our society. Education is the manifestation of love and our most cherished ambitions. Education drives away ignorance and superstitions and leads us to righteous thought and action. It empowers us and enlarges the horizon of our minds. It energizes our society and enables every citizen to earn his living with respect and praise.
In order to accomplish our vision and mission, we are prepared to take as much effort as possible for the betterment of the academic scenario in our institution. We believe that education is an effective medium of social transformation. We get encouragement, looking at bright and successful careers of our thousands of students, which subsequently benefit society. We feel proud that we are part of such an excellent institute, which is shaping our society.
We believe that the future of our country, its people and humanity at large will depend on well-educated people and strong leaders. Our programs are designed to educate these leaders. JNE values the importance of liberal arts and science education and prepares its graduates for leadership roles of the 21st century.
JNE students and alumni will be ready to take on the challenges of today's rapidly changing world.
JNE believes in the value of internationalization and the power of globalization. English is the medium of instruction except in JNE Arabic colleges and our students can express themselves both in Arabic and English effectively. They are encouraged to take advantage of our vibrant exchange programs with the world's reputable universities. We have no doubt that the graduates of JNE will become professionally successful leaders as businessmen/women, public officers, educators, entrepreneurs, politicians, civil society volunteers. and change agents.
We invite students, academics, and educators who believe that they can excel and be productive in such an environment to find out more about our university and to join our community.
With best wishes for our future endeavors,
Director, Board of Trustees